There are a wide range of tall and short globe lanterns bearing the marking “Handlan-Buck”, “Handlan”, “MM Buck”, or other various combinations that were used over the course of many years. The two main figures during the course of the company of course were A.H. Handlan and M.M. Buck. Handlan Buck lanterns can be found with virtually ever possible combination of options depending on the specifications of the railroad, the time period, and other options and features they offered at different times.
Some options and variations commonly seen: single vs double wire guards, flat plate vs round wire verticals, wire bottom vs bell bottom, insert vs twist off founts, flat top vs domed top, the profiles of the vertical guards can be found in many different shapes. Lanterns marked “M M Buck” tend to date from the late 1800s and are very desirable in good condition, they can often bring over $1000, while those marked Handlan tend to be newer and more common, bringing prices from $75 to $500 for exceptional examples.