With a category as broad as railroadiana, where the rail companies had objects of almost every type made and stamped or identified, trying to collect everything is impossible. Most collectors will focus on a particular type of object, a particular railroad company, a particular region, or just to collect anything that catches their eye.
Below are some general categories of collectible railroad items, each one of which is generally broad enough to have its own unique website if I had the time!
If you’re a seasoned collector, then you know what you’re looking for. If you’re just getting into railroadiana for the first time, don’t worry, take it slow and learn as you go!
Railroad Advertising, Signs, & Promotional Items

Railroad Dining Car Items

Railroad Lighting, Lanterns, & Lamps

Railroad Locks, Keys, & Tools

Railroad Locomotive / Engine Items

Railroad Paper Items & Ephemera

Railroad Rolling Stock Items

Railroad Station & Depot Items

Railroad Uniform Items